The Princess and the Zombie ~ And Other Stories
by Lyndon Perry
This latest collection of 'cozy thrillers' features some light and humorous takes on zombies, devils, and djinns. These 6 tales, about 40 pages, will entertain you over a lunch break for less than a cup of coffee.
Includes six 'horror lite' stories:
+ Billy Farnsworth: Zombie Hunter
+ The Princess and the Zombie
+ The Newbie and the Zombie
+ One More Book Before I Die
+ Exorcising Judgment
+ Exit Ramp
60-Minute Reads
Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Stories
Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Reads
Currently available only on Amazon (Affiliate link. Also on Kindle Unlimited).
Space Opera Humor!
The Adventures of Mazaru,
the Space Monkey Pirate
by Lyndon Perry
This short collection of five stories features Mazaru, the Space Monkey Pirate, and his human sidekick, Captain Ed Drake, as they adventure across the galaxy to confront the King of the Space Monkey Pirates himself.
Features Five Monkey "Tails"
+ Shock the Monkey
+ Thousand Splendid Monkeys
+ Space Monkey Business
+ Barrel of Space Monkeys
+ Space Monkey See
This bit of clean and whimsical "space opera lite" is about 30 pages in length. Great for a quick read over the lunch hour or right before bed!
Amazon (affiliate link) # Apple # Barnes and Noble # Rakuten Kobo # SCRIBD # Other Select Retailers
Short Fiction With a Dash of the Fantastic from Lyndon Perry
The second issue of Tule Fog Tales features six of my dark fantasy stories. These imaginative tales from Tule Fog Press are filled with the ghostly, devilish, supernatural, and psychological horrific. Perfect bedtime reading for before you turn out the lights!
Stories include:
+ One Midsummer’s Night
+ Maysi’s First Assignment
+ Captain Tyler’s Ghost
+ Yes, Allie, There’s a Bogeyman Under Your Bed
+ To Tame a Demon
+ The Curious Case of Kevin Klaag
Speculative. Supernatural.
Available from:
Barnes and Noble
Rakuten Kobo
Other Booksellers
In this first issue of Tule Fog Tales I've gathered six short stories that skim the border of wonder, innocence, and hope. There's a bit of the magical and supernatural here; something for everyone, I think. All told, about 50 pages of good reading! ;-)
Stories include:
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Nobody
+ Making Worf Proud
+ Memory Dish
+ An Astral Advent
+ Casting a Vampire
+ Tucker & Mr. Chilly
Speculative. Supernatural.
Available at select retailers:
+ Amazon (mobi for Kindle)
+ Apple (for iPhone/iBook)
+ B & N (epub for Nook/tablets)
+ Kobo (epub for tablets)
+ Lulu (epub for tablets)
+ Scribd and 24Symbols (subscription for unlimited reading)
+ Smashwords (all ebook formats including mobi, epub, pdf)
+ Universal link at Books2Read (including Australia!)
+ And in Germany! At Hugendubel and Weltbild ebook stores.
At Long Last!
Four collections of at least four stories each, available at last.
Download the following ebooks from Amazon. Or read them for free if you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited!
Last Gasp - Four Cozy Thrillers
This collection includes the following stories:
+ Audition With The Vampire - A movie director can't believe his latest auditions.
+ Show, Don't Tell - A writer struggles with a new genre...and her muse.
+ Captain Tyler's Ghost - A local legend takes on new meaning for a hotel owner.
+ Princess and the Zombie - A father/daughter hunting trip goes terribly...right!
Available from Amazon. (Affiliate link. Also on Kindle Unlimited.)
Last Laugh - Four Flights of Fancy
This collection includes the following stories:
+ Og's Greatest Invention - A Neanderthal's revolutionary concept debuts on the most popular game show in paleolithic history.
+ Monkey Business - Three Space Monkey Pirate tales featuring Captain Ed Drake and Mazaru, his sidekick space monkey pirate.
+ I Just About Died! - An Elf, an Ogre, and a Hollywood Party. What could go wrong?
+ Billy Farnsworth, Zombie Hunter - Where Z-Hunting is Fun!
+ Bonus: Four Funny Tasting Treats - Microfiction Morsels
Available from Amazon. (Affiliate link. Also on Kindle Unlimited.)
Last Chance - Four Timely Tales
This collection includes the following stories:
+ This is Not My Autobiography - With a daughter about to get married, it's not about the dad. Really. It isn't.
+ Texts from a Bluetooth Genie - What if your Blackberry could text you advice? What if you followed it?
+ Possibly His Last Exorcism - Before he dies, the Rev. Dr. Johann Strauss has a demon to face. And a bratwurst to eat.
+ One More Book Before I Die - Oliver Bettington, Sr. has a quirky reading habit...and a hunch.
Available from Amazon. (Affiliate link. Also on Kindle Unlimited.)
Last Cry - Four Fables of Sorrow
This collection includes the following stories:
+ A Sad Tale from Skuddledump - An spiritual suspense in the guise of a children's story about the ultimate disappointment.
+ The Sorrow of Raetheos - A prose poem of broken promises set in an epic and mythical land and time.
+ The Rabbit and the Eagle - A fable of sorrow and hope.
+ Running Late - Life disappoints. Then it disappoints some more.
+ Bonus: Pack a Day and Other Microfictions
Available from Amazon. (Affiliate link. Also on Kindle Unlimited.)
Cover designs by Jason Gurley.