Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Review of Feast of Fools Anthology

Feast of Fools and Other Tales

Edited by Robert Poyton, an Innsmouth Gold Book (Nov 2022, 250 pages). Includes 11 stories of sword and sorcery.

I'm in this antho (my story is “To Tame a Demon”) so I won't review it as I would a collection that I have no connection with, but I will share a few thoughts on the stories and authors in the ToC. (For a blow-by-blow, see my Goodreads review.)

Overall, I enjoyed these 11 tales and would recommend the e-book or paperback for fantasy fans in general and sword and sorcery fans in particular. (Amazon affiliate link, btw.)

I had a couple favorites, including “The Horn of Tur” by H. R. Laurence; “The Rotting Goddess” by B. Harlan Crawford; and “The Lucky Thief” by Tim Mendees. Though I enjoyed them all. Oh, and “Wind” by Russell Smeaton.

Overall impression: editor Robert Poyton pulls together an enjoyable collection of heroic adventures that will likely appeal to fans of the wider genre of fantasy fiction. Not all the entries are tales of sword and sorcery, strictly speaking (mine certainly wasn’t), but the storytelling is fairly solid throughout and most authors wrap up their tales in a satisfying manner. 

Quite a few of these adventures showcase an endearing anti-hero mercenary who deigns to guide his charges on some dangerous quest. And while there are similarities in trope among many stories in this antho, each tale has its own unique take on the plot's direction and conclusion.

While I won't rate this antho, I will say I'm proud to be a part of it!

Now, on to Book Date Monday. (Even though it's Wednesday - I just can't get it together by the first of the week! lol Click the link for more blogs that showcase what's on their TBR pile.)

My 52 Week Challenge: 3 of 52 books read/reviewed so far.
1. Razored Land by Charles Gramlich - post-apocalypse (not yet published, review forthcoming)
2. The Stroke of Winter by Wendy Webb - mystery (reviewed Jan 11)
3. Feast of Fools and Other Tales - S&S anthology (reviewed Jan 18)

Currently Reading...

Clovel Sword Saga by Gordon Brewer - 2 S&S novellas ("The Clovel Destroyer" and "Trail to Omcuur"). Third of the way through and enjoying the story so far.

+ Blackfoot Dawn by John Legg - western, book 2 in Mountain Times trilogy. I'm about a quarter of the way in and it's dragging a bit, haven't really gotten to the plot yet, I don't think.

Still in my TBR Pile...

+ Laws and Prophecies by L. S. King - sword and planet, book 3 in Sword's Edge Chronicles

+ Point of View - Better Writing through Stronger Narrative: Drake's Brutal Writing Advice by Maxwell Alexander Drake - non-fiction book on writing. I've actually started this, so I guess it should be in my "currently reading" pile. So far, good info and humourously communicated.

What tomes are currently taking up space in your house? Drop me a comment and happy reading!


  1. Wow, the cover of Feast of Fools is amazing! Congratulations to be a part of this anthology!

  2. The best things about anthologies is that can finish one story in one go, and 2. you get introduced to new authors! (This is how, many many years ago, I discovered Ursula K Le Guin) I'll be looking for Feast of Fools and Other Tales.

    1. Great point. I find a lot of new authors I want to read more of when I read anthos.

  3. Congratulations on being included in this anthology! Well done! 👏

    1. Thanks. I'm glad to be in the same ToC as these other authors.

  4. Great review and interesting books! happy reading.

  5. Looks like you are off to a good start on your reading challenge. I am not into this style of book, but I will tell my friend who is about it.

    1. Thanks - yeah, I've read 52 books in a year before (maybe the most is 100 or so) but I haven't written 52 reviews of 52 books! lol

  6. How exciting to be part of an anthology!

    Enjoy your other books.

    Have a great week!

  7. Sounds like a great anthology! Congrats on your part in it!

    1. It's a solid antho of dark fantasy and adventure. Thanks!

  8. Congrats on being a part of an anthology!

  9. Congratulations on inclusion of your story in this anthology! How exciting!

    Hope you enjoy your books this week -

    Book By Book

    1. Appreciate that. Not reading as much this week as I want, dang it! lol

  10. What an honor to be part of an anthology!

    You are doing well on your challenge, too!

    Have a great week, Lyn!

    1. Thanks, I'm always surprised when a story of mine gets accepted, lol. But I've fallen off my challenge a little bit. Need to find time to read more!

  11. I'm not a fan of most fantasy books, and that giant spider on the cover definitely spooked me. Glad you enjoyed the book.

    1. Yes, I've heard that a number of people are put off by the cover - it's definitely a dark fantasy feel which isn't for everyone!

  12. Sounds like a good anthology, and yeah that you're a part of it! And the 52 week challenge is going well so far, I hope that continues! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

    1. Thanks and yeah, I'm excited to be in the antho. Gotta get back on the readin wagon though and write a few more reviews! lol


Keep it clean and positive. (And sorry about the word verification, but the spmb*ts are out in full force!)