Saturday, January 15, 2022

Blog Under Construction

Image by Jose R. Cabello from Pixabay.
I'm going to give my blog a facelift starting this weekend. Lots of little things. Will likely keep the basic theme but get rid of a side column. 

So, main blog area plus a side column of goodies for those who visit on their laptops/desktops. Will take a few days, I'm sure, until I'm happy with the remodeled layout.

One reason for the upcoming change is that none of the side column stuff shows up on a mobile device. Just a list of blog posts. Then you have to touch a dropdown tab to see what pages are available for viewing.

That's fine. But since lots of people browse the internet via their phones, I need to make sure all my projects are just a few taps away.

On my various pages, I'll list my stories, collections, series, upcoming projects, etc. I'll keep my "about" page of course and how you can contact me. And probably add a page for direct purchase (paperbacks, especially, but also e-books via Venmo or PayPal.)

When you visit a blog - either by mobile device, tablet, or laptop/desktop - what do you look for? What features are important for you to access? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks!

(via PayPal.Me - an e-book from Tule Fog Press.)
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Keep it clean and positive. (And sorry about the word verification, but the spmb*ts are out in full force!)