Oh, I make them. Then break them. Sort of like new year's resolutions. They seem like they're required but everyone has a hard time following through.
So with a bit of fear and trepidation, I'll offer up a self-challenge writing goal here for all to see.
May not complete it. We'll see.
From now through the end of January I plan to complete two projects a week. So every three days or so, I'll finish a short story, wrap up a longer work, publish some sort of project, or complete some other 'big' thing writing-wise.
That's really only 12 more stories/projects completed in the next 6 weeks.

Speaking of collections, I've got a new one up at Books2Read...
And if you want semi-regular updates about my writing, you can subscribe to my newsletter here. (You'll get a free ebook! :)
But wait, there's more! As a special Advent/Christmas gift please accept my speculative SF short story, An Astral Advent, by clicking the link here in my newsletter.
Thanks for reading. Now it's off to writing, I've got a goal to meet. :)