This is your lucky half week!
Congrats, you stumbled upon this blog at just the right time. I've got promos galore starting today. Check out these deals - more importantly, download these deals. :)
Wed, Sept 17 - Accidents - A Tremble Town Episode, free for one day! (UK link)
Thurs, Sept 18 - 7 Day Countdown deals for the following ebooks - starting at 99 cents! Get them before they go back up to regular price!
+ Christ of the Abyss - a science fiction tale of hope and tragedy (UK link)
+ Last Cry - a collection of sorrowful fables (UK link)

+ Last Chance - a collection of timely tales (UK link)
+ Last Laugh - a collection of humorous stories (UK link)
Fri, Sept 19 - Ulemet and the Jaguar God - a mesoamerican fantasy, free for one day! (UK link)
Sat, Sept 20 - The Last Prayer - a Silo Story, free for one day! (UK link)
Sun, Sept 21 - Two religious meditations, free for five days!
+ Journey to the Cross: Faith (also in the UK)
+ Journey to the Cross: Service (also in the UK)
Also, please note: If you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited you can borrow these titles any time! Those borrows really help an indie writer. Thanks for reading!
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Keep it clean and positive. (And sorry about the word verification, but the spmb*ts are out in full force!)