Sunday, August 31, 2014

Ma Tutt Paperbacks Are In!

Had a good "countdown sale" for the ebook of Ma Tutt's Donut Hut on Amazon this past week (I guess I should have told you about it last Sunday!). And now I'm happy to announce that the paperback is available as well! You can get it on sale at Amazon, of course (free shipping if you have Prime), and CreateSpace.

But the best deal, I think, is to order an autographed copy from me directly. It's $12, which includes shipping. Just email me and let me know. In the mean time, here's a vid of my box opening. (I hope the opening clip doesn't show the back of my head like it does right now as I write this! lol)

Thank for putting up with all this hoopla surrounding my first novel. :) As always, I appreciate your interest!

PS Don't be shy about contacting me. Plenty of books left! ;)

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Keep it clean and positive. (And sorry about the word verification, but the spmb*ts are out in full force!)