+ My review at The Fix of Talebones #36 (Spring 2008) is now up.
May 15
+ My review at SFReader of Faith Awakened, a novel by Grace Bridges is up.
+ My review at The Fix of Aberrant Dreams (April, 2008) is now up.
May 14
+ Aphelion (May, 2008) posted my scifiaku, "Generation Gap."
May 7
+ My review of A Thousand Faces, (Issue #4) went up at The Fix. Reactions from some of the authors are here, here, and here.
May 6
+ Oh yeah, my daughter got an engagement ring today. :-)
(Update - BTW, we're proud and happy for both!)
May 5
+ Bewildering Stories (Issue #288) published my Zombie humor, "The Hunt Hunt." Take 30 seconds and read my flash fiction and let me know if you laughed, smiled, or groaned. :-)
May 1
+ Shh, don't tell. But I'm buying this camera for my mother-in-law for her birthday.
Canon PowerShot A460

So your daughter's engaged. I don't know if I should say congratulations or not since you may have ambivalent feelings about that.