Be sure to visit and congratulate all the winners!

The Conservative UAW Guy (96)
Dr. Phat Tony (84)

National Nitwit (16)
IMAO (14)
Random Yak (13)

Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns
Codependent Collegian
Conservative Cat
Faith Mouse
Knowledge is Power
Let Our Voices Be Heard
Lileks Screedblog
MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Ogre's Politics and Views
Peace Moonbeam Chronicles
Point Five
Procrastination Station
Rooster Cashews
Smoke Signals Blog
Spurious George
Striving for Average
The Cartoon Blog
The Churning
The Nose on Your Face
the skwib
Think Sink
This That and Frog Hair
Toledo Tales
Zaphriel Media
(Thank you voters. Thank you bloggers. Participants: Feel free to use the appropriate banner to announce your final standing on your blog. Link to this post appreciated. See you next time - with new categories - at The Best So Far Awards!)
Then check out my "Flash Fiction Five Pack" (Volume 1). This collection of 5 Humor Shorts is available for only 99 cents at Smashwords and Amazon.
Just so you know what you're getting into, here are a series of humorous "micro-horrors" (not in my 5 Pack) that you can read for free.
Thanks for stopping by!
Came over from Conservative UAW Guy...awesome blog...also This That and Frog Hair and Let Our Voices be Heard. (smiling)
ReplyDeleteI need to know if my rumors worked. Am I still in the lead, or will I have to unleash more scandal on the blogosphere?
ReplyDeleteAway all day...am just now counting votes for Thursday (update by midnight?) Dr. Phat Tony was leading at breakfast, we'll see soon if his rumors worked. Voting closes Friday at midnight. That will give me all day Saturday to figure this thing out! lol, lgp