Bonus Poll ~ January's Best Alternative Categories
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Note: Polls close Midnight, Feb 3rd. Winners on the 5th.
What Alternative Catagories Would You Suggest For Inclusion Next Time?
So 2 Questions: 1) Should I do this again next quarter? and 2) What alternative categories should I include in the next addition of "Best So Far"?
UPDATES: 2.2.06 almost midnight. See you in the morning.
1. Via email: 2 people like the "Nobody Reads My Blog" Award for blogs with less than 100 daily hits.
2. A super fanatic wants Ferdy to win in all 5 Categories.
3. Question: "How about a Best Gunblog (Shooting sports) category? I would, of course, humbly vote all three of my votes for Mr. Completely!" (BTW, he gets another vote!)
4. Via email: Jack Bauer gets a nod. (I had to be directed to this wikipedia entry.)
5. Milblogs get a shot at a category for next time (
5.5 Milblogs are getting antsy. They want to know when it's their turn!
6. Coffee blogs are brewing a take-over.
7. Someone wants "Blogs With Made-up Comments" (not sure what this means).
8. Someone (read Yak) wants a category for "Shaggy Bad-Tempered Quadrupeds."
Rules on How to Vote in This Category
1. You have an opinion (or more!) to share about these awards.
2. You may share your opinion in the comment section or by sending
an email to BestSoFar@RightThinking.net with your votes.
or use

Yes you should add MillBlogs next time!
ReplyDeleteAnd Blue Star Blogs! Blogs by the families of our military...Such as:
That's a good one!