Welcome to the
3rd issue of
Kansas News & KGB Roundup (
Kansas Guild of Bloggers). The purpose is to highlight noteworthy state and local
news and blogs. If you're a KS blogger, feel free to submit a link to this weekly event via
Blog Carnival or Ferdy's
Carnival Submit Form.
First, the Headlines (source:
Wichita Eagle)
"Voice of the Jayhawks" to retire after 60 years ~ Max Falkenstien - whose voice has become synonymous with University of Kansas sports - is wrapping up his final season as a commentator. Falkenstien is 81.Cheney visits KC, troops ~ The vice president touts President Bush's economic and security policies during visits to Kansas City and Fort Leavenworth.Kansas delegates return Abramoff's money ~ Sen. Sam Brownback received $44,500 in campaign contributions linked to the disgraced Washington lobbyist, according to federal records. On Thursday, Brownback's chief spokesman said Brownback is giving the money to American Indian charities.Now, the Blog Posts (Submit your links to the carnival!)
Josh at Thoughts from Kansas has more to say about one state delegate and his response to the lobbyist's money: Ryun to keep Abramoff's dirty dough.JD at Evolution points out that KU’s Campus Crusade for Christ has invited William Dembski, a leading ID proponent, to speak. But assures us that religion has nothing to do with it (a different context).Caleb On Assignment has an Early Christmas.Ching at Almost Famous has a great pic of Oscar as a kitten.John of Argghhh! celebrates 1,000,000 people served. Congratulations! Huzzah! Kelly in Kansas puts together her (huge) reading list for her students.Shea, that California Girl in Kansas, has some Late Night Thoughts. And Finally, Submissions to Next Week's KGB Accepted via Blog Carnival or Ferdy's Carnival Submit Form.

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Keep it clean and positive. (And sorry about the word verification, but the spmb*ts are out in full force!)