(Precision Guided Humor Assignment: Stupid Iranian Tricks)
Can Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad get any dumber? He said recently, "Israel should be wiped off the map" and "The Holocaust never happened". Smart. Very smart. Considering Iran is open about their nuclear proliferation plans, Mahmoud might simply be projecting his feelings of worthlessness about himself onto others. So what he really hopes is that Iran will probably be wiped off the map and it will be like Iran never happened.
Being a spirtual counselor, I wanted to help the president with his self-image. But when I contacted him and questioned his judgment, Ahmadinejad said he'll go right on making stupid comments in the days ahead. In fact, he gave this interviewer his predictions for 2006.
Well, as you can see, I didn't get a whole lot of useful information from the president of Iran. But we can conclude one thing. He says a bunch of stupid stuff. Assignment submitted by Flakey Fluffernutter.

Too true. Thanks for visiting! lgp